Saturday, August 29, 2015

Ways To De-Stress Yourself at Work...!

Hola! All you beautiful princess…. My today’s post is all about how to de-stress yourself at work. At times when i sit with my pals and discuss about our lives after college, the only thing i hear is that life ya! Too busy in work and no time for any social or any other activity. Some say even if we have time but there is lot of stress. Well it’s natural for work to leave you a little stressed, but it’s important how are you dealing with it? If you're a frazzled mess from nine to five, it's important to step back and relax. No matter what's going on around you at work, these tips will help you stay calm -- before, during and after the storm.

 • Identify Your Stress Triggers
Recognizing the triggers to your stressful reactions is the most important first step in managing your stress. True, it might be impossible to remove life’s stresses, but understanding the things that stress you out—and in what ways—and how you react to it is particularly helpful in solving the underlying problems.
• Prioritize Your Life
Set your priorities in order! Ask yourself how important the situations you are feeling stressed over are. Prioritize your concerns and tackle the most important ones first.
• Get a Head Start
Leave home 30 minutes earlier than normal. Studies find that the less rushed you feel in the morning, the less stressed you'll be for the rest of the day.
• Sleep Enough to Combat Stress
Restful zzzzz is very much important for staying healthy and strong. When you’re well-rested, you can approach stressful situations more calmly. The key is making sure you’re not only getting enough sleep, but that the quality of sleep you’re getting is restful and restorative.
• Turn on Mood-Boosting Music
A good playlist can do wonders to your mood, so turn on some good music of your choice and get the good vibes in. If anger is your issue, go for calmer sounds. Exhausted from all the stress? Choose fast-tempo songs to re-energize. This can be particularly beneficial when you're getting ready for a tough day at work, or if you're in your car stuck in traffic, or, if you're lying in bed trying to free your mind of stressful thoughts. .
• Connect with a Friend
Socializing is one of the easiest ways to distract yourself from everyday anxieties, so call up a pal to chat for a few minutes. Try to avoid any work-related venting and stick to fun, tension-free topics instead.
• Hit the Road
Taking annual vacations is really good for you. It appears that going on vacation may not be an icing-on-the-cake type of indulgence—it may actually be necessary for good health. Whether you have the time and money to head out on a European tour, or can simply afford a long weekend that’s close to home, yet away from the grind, planning a break is a great tool for reducing stress. Plus, it gives you something to look forward to.
• Create Cushions in Your Calendar
If you’re reading this, you probably have a busy schedule, which is one contributor to stress. When you have a lot on your plate, you end up hurrying through the day and multitasking, which will only exacerbate stress levels. Creating cushions in your schedule is a good tactic to reduce your risk for stress. Leave yourself enough time between getting from point A to point B—whether getting to and from meetings, classes, or getting from home to work to dinner plans—to help diffuse potential stressors that may arise that are out of your control. For example, if you know that you have to be on time to your 9 a.m. Meeting and it takes you 20 minutes to get to work, leave yourself 30 so you don’t have to rush or get stressed out if you hit traffic
• Improving Your Working Environment
Your space can have a major effect on your attitude, so make sure that your desk area is both clean and decorated to suit your taste. Spruce it up with a fun print, colorful office accessories, and photos of your favorite places. Take some time to clean up your act and organize your files. It will soothe your soul. Let there be light
• Create a Resting Spots for Your Eyes Organize Your Desk
Clutter is a common stressor. If you can't find the files you need, either on your desk or in your emails, you can waste lots of precious time and energy.
• Make Work More Fun
If you make your work experience more enjoyable, you’ll be more excited to come to work, to spend the day there and return back the next day. Do not work because you have to. Work because you want to. Fall in love with your work.
• Stretch
Stretching your body from time to time can help release your tension and can make you feel calm and relaxed. Besides reducing muscle tension, stretching increases blood circulation, which increases energy.
• Picture Your Favorite Vacation
When things are getting too tensed at work, just close your eyes for a minute or two and remember your favorite vacation spot. Having a moment from your favorite vacation spot on your can desk can make it easier for you to remember it.
• Make Friends with Your Coworkers
Being friendly and smiling more will not only help yo make friends, but it will help your body feel calmer naturally.
Forget About It
When something's bothering you, especially if it's something that can't be changed; usually it's best to just let it go. Focus on the things you can control and put in your best effort.
• Know your Limitations
There’s nothing more stressful than getting in over your head. Before you accept a meeting or take on a project, check your schedule and evaluate the scope of what you're being asked to do. Only take on what you're sure you can manage -- and manage well.
• Laughter Is The Best Medicine
Find humor in life. Learn to laugh at life and yourself. Developing a sense of humor about life will help you save your tears for real problems.
• Take a Tea-Break
 Try some chamomile tea, known for its calming properties. Or, sip an aromatic cup of antioxidant-filled green tea -- it's a wonderful way to take a few minutes for yourself, unwind and realize you're being kind to your body.

I hope these tips turns out to be very much useful for you all. If you have any more tips on how to de-stress yourself at work feel free to comment below. Happy working :) :)

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Importance Of BEAUTY

"Beauty begins the moment You decide to be Yourself "
Hey all beautiful ladies. I am super excited as this is my very first post on my very first blog #yayy!
So before I start up blog with all my beauty and fashion related things let me just talk about why beauty and grooming is so important.....
Firstly let me explain what beauty actually means! Some people thinks that physical beauty means everything and if you don't look good in a certain way that means you are not beautiful. I totally do not agree to this. Being beautiful is not something that everyone defines, beauty is defined by yourself. You be beautiful the moment you decide to be. Being beautiful doesn't mean your physical beauty but It also means your inner beauty, your grooming style, your mindset and most importantly how confident you are.
So to all the beautiful princess out there do not ever think your are less beautiful or your are ugly. Just believe in yourself and stay confident. Remember,  no matter how good you look, there will always be someone who will look more beautiful. The only thing that will keep you outstanding is you nature,  your characteristics and your personality.
At times when a woman is in the presence of another really beautiful women, she tends to feel overwhelmed by her beauty and starts feeling insecure about her own looks. Your hands immediatedly rushes up to straighten your hair, you pat your clothes into place, and you wish you had taken more time in front of the mirror. So take time out every morning to look as good as you possibly can, and then, stop thinking about it.
More important than having a pretty face is wearing clothes that suit you, that are trendy, and that fit you well ans most importantly the clothes that you are comfortable in. Great outfit will make you feel great about yourself. The way you dress also speaks a lot for your personality. If you are a sharp dresser, it doesn't matter whether or not you have the most beautiful face, you will get noticed anyhow. Exercise, so your body is in great shape. Wax regularly, and make sure you always look neat and clean. Don't forget the antiperspirant!
Remember, there will always be someone better looking, so don't let another woman make you feel ugly.