Wednesday, September 16, 2015


Tired of that dull skin and those ugly blackheads? Well, you need not worry about them.  Here is a simple DIY Brightening Peel Off Mask for you.
Things you will need 
½ a cup of green tea
½ a lemon
1 teaspoon of honey, the darker the better
2 packets of gelatin, plain and unflavored
2 egg whites(if you are a vegetarian you can skip this)
1 vitamin E capsule
Benefits of using these ingredients:
02_GreenTeaGreen Tea – We are all well aware of the health benefits of green tea, but before you discard the used green tea bag, think twice. Green tea has antioxidants that benefit the body in many ways and can even be used to treat acne. ANTIOXIDANTS = ANTI AGING. It’s one of the most natural ways to help your skin appear brighter and flawless.
LemonLimeLemon – Citrus fruits, particularly lemons, are immensely good for healing dark spots, age spots and freckles. The citric acid present in lemons helps in bleaching and clarifying the skin.  The bleaching properties in it help to brighten the color of your skin.
Manuka-Honey-515ba56936f26_hires (1)Honey – Honey acts as a great anti-aging agent and moisturizer. It is rich in natural antioxidants that have anti-microbial properties. They help protect your skin from harmful UV rays and helps skin to rejuvenate. Honey also has the ability to lock moisture and this helps in keeping the skin well hydrated, fresh and supple. It is known that ancient women used honey and milk to keep the skin youthful, radiant and smooth.
 – Gelatin mask for face is an universal remedy for skin. It perfectly cleanse, tones, nourishes, whitens and rejuvenate your skin. After applying the gelatin mask on face. The skin is cleansed of blackheads, improves the tone and the texture is compacted.
580322Vitamin E – Pure vitamin E oil is extremely versatile. Vitamin E oil promotes healing and is an active ingredient in many products available for skin and nails. Vitamin E is a strong antioxidant that prevents premature aging. This is great to help get rid of acne, blemishes, and even help reduce the appearance of scars.
How To Make It:
Make a green tea mixture and add lemon juice. Add your honey as well. Now mix the two packets of gelatin. Mix it really well and quick as gelatin tens to get sticky soon. Now add vitamin E to it. Put your mixture in the microwave for a good 20-25 seconds or until the gelatin is completely dissolved and the honey is well mixed. Mix it until you have a thick consistency.
How to apply:
Starting with a clean face, apply the mask generously on your face. You can use a makeup brush, but your fingers will do fine. Remember, if it isn’t thick enough, you may have problems peeling it off afterwards.  Leave it for at least 30 minutes. You should feel a tingling/tightening sensation on your skin. That means its working. When it’s nice hard, Start peeling around the chin is and gradually move it upwards. Wash your face alternately with lukewarm water and cold water, in order to shut the pores.
woman removing face mask
I hope you like it. Follow Indian Beauty Princess for more such DIY’s

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Amazing Benefits Of Exercise Which Might Help You Fall In Love With Yourself All Over Again

There are amazing benefits of exercise, for some it’s shaping up while others are focused on staying healthy. No matter what your motivation is. We can all agree that the benefits of EXERCISE are Amazing. Read on to learn more about the skin and beauty rewards that come from regularly exercise:

Shapes You Up – The tried and true weight loss rule says you must burn more calories than you consume

Gives You An Instant Glow – Brisk walks or jogs gets your heart pumping and increases blood circulation. This gets an amazing doze of oxygenated blood that boosts your cell renewal and detoxification process. When you run or exercise, your lungs take in as much oxygen as possible and the heart begins pumping out blood throughout your body including your skin. This is the main reason you get that flushed and radiant look, right after your workout

Reduces Cellulite - Cellulite is a symptom of reduced White blood cell circulation Yoga helps white blood cells to flow more freely through fatty areas, flushing toxins and reducing cellulite.

Reverse The Ageing Process - The More You Move, the Younger You’ll Feel exercise has however been shown to slow the effects of aging. You won’t reverse the aging process, but will slow it down. With exercise, you will feel healthy, be vibrant, and have a lower risk for chronic disease; All of these are attributes of youthfulness.

Better Sleep - When you work out and what exercises you do can affect your sleep—for better and worse. Just don't exercise too close to bedtime, or you may be too energized to fall asleep.

Younger Looking You - When you exercise, the tiny pores in your skin open up, allowing more blood to reach the skin’s surface and deliver nutrients that repair damage from the sun and environmental pollutants. These nutrients also help increase up the skin’s collagen production, reducing wrinkles. The nutrients delivered to the skin during exercise help fibroblasts work more efficiently, so your skin looks younger smoother and more radiant.

Greater Self Confidence - Confident people radiate a certain physical appeal and charisma. Our self-worth is directly tied to our energy levels, our feelings of competence and our perceived attractiveness.” And nothing is more gorgeous than the self-assurance that comes from feeling good in your own skin.

Increased Stature - If you actively work to bring muscles back into balance, your back will lengthen, your posture will improve and you can grow taller. And, of course, exercise that improves posture tends to also make you look thinner, fitter and more confident.

Reduces Stress, Anxiety And Depression - When you have anxiety or depression, exercise often seems like the last thing you want to do. But once you get motivated, exercise can make a big difference. Relation between anxiety, depression and exercise shows that the psychological and physical benefits of exercise can also help reduce anxiety and improve mood. Exercise may also help keep anxiety and depression from coming back once you're feeling better.
Better Immunity And Detoxification - There is no supplement or medication that has proven to be as strong as regular exercise in improving the immune system’s ability to detect and destroy invaders. Regular exercise helps increase white blood cells, including neutrophils and natural killer cells. More white blood cells mean fewer bacteria and viruses sneak past the gate. 

Better Circulation Means Better Hair - The last thing we’d expect to happen when we go to the gym is have better hair—in fact, we leave feeling ready for a thorough shampooing, but the increased circulation and blood flow that’s so beneficial for our complexions also stimulates the hair follicles and promotes growth.

Sweat Is Good For You - A good sweat session is sort of like a steam clean for your pores from the inside out. Regular exercise boosts circulation. “It nourishes your skin, bringing more blood flow and oxygen to it. This will help draw toxins out of the body.” Plus, all that sweating cleans out the pores of congested skin. “Working out corrects the hormonal imbalance that can cause adult acne.

Enhances Mental Performance And Work Productivity - The increased blood flow also benefits your brain, allowing it to almost immediately function better. As a result, you tend to feel more focused after a workout. Furthermore, exercising regularly will promote the growth of new brain cells.

So what are you waiting for?? Go Exercise and Be Beautiful..

Thursday, September 10, 2015

16 Amazing Beauty benefits of Lemon

Lemon enjoys a global eminence, You might love lemonade and lemon chicken, but your skin and hair love lemons even more—they have an amazing range of beauty benefits. The high amount of Vitamin C in lemon juice helps in boosting the immune system. Here are some great uses for the sunny yellow fruit:
Clarifying Moisturizer – mix few drops of lemon in your favorite moisturizer. Your moisturizer will hydrate your skin, and lemon will clear and brighten your it.
Elbow and Knee Bleacher- simply rub half lemon on the affected areas and see the magic!

Blackhead Treatment- lemons are antibacterial. The citric component in lemon helps in reduction of blackheads. Direct application of fresh lemon juice extract on blackheads will help removing them effectively.
Cleansing Wipes- make a mixture of 6 ounces of distilled water couple drops of lemon and few drops of tea tree essential oil. Use cotton pads as cleansing wipes. It will add freshness and a clearer complexion to your skin.
Skin Brightner-  as mentioned earlier, lemon contains citrus acid in it which acts as a natural bleaching component,  so they can help brighten and lighten your skin when used over time.
Lip Exfoliator- lemon juice acts as a natural exfoliate as it contains citric acid. Put a little lemon juice on your lips before bedtime, and wash it off in the morning to help remove dead skin cells and dried skin. You can also add little honey for adding moisture to your lips. If you have have severely chapped lips please do not try this.

Nail Strengthener- Lemon juice works great for the nails as it has vitamin C which makes the nails healthy and strong. Make a mixture of your favorite cooking oil (try olive oil) with lemon juice, and rub on to your nails. This is a good practice if your nails are dry and brittle.
Dark Spot Removal- Citrus fruits, particularly lemons, are immensely good for healing dark spots, age spots and freckles. The citric acid present in lemons helps in bleaching and clarifying the skin. Using freshly pressed lemon juice over scars after cleansing the face in the evening will help reduce the appearance of scars over time.
Aids Weight Loss - The best way to lose weight and keep it off is to eliminate toxins from the body and keep your liver and digestive system healthy. Have a glass of warm water with few drops of lemon every morning. Lemons are high in pectin fiber, which cleans your waste better and helps fight hunger cravings. You can also add honey, mint or ginger in your lemonade for extra benefits

Heals Acne- Lemon juice is a citric acid and very rich in vitamin C, which has many benefits for all skin types. The citric acid acts to exfoliate the skin, an important step in treating acne. Trying a simple lemon juice remedy may be helpful for those with mild acne.

Restores Body’s PH Balance - While lemons may seem quite acidic, they're a surprisingly good source of an alkaline food that can help balance your body's pH.

Shine Eliminator- Lemon juice can help reduce the excess oiliness of the skin
Eases Bowel Moment - Drinking lemon juice with warm water in the morning will help in regular and easy bowel movement. Lemon juice helps dissolve uric acid and other poisons. It also helps to liquefy the bile. Following a lemonade diet is beneficial for those with troubled bowel movements
Conditions Dry Hair - The acidity of lemon juice leaves hair smooth and silky and detangles your hair it fights dandruff and improve scalp health. it also stimulate the scalp and promote hair growth. Depending on your hair type, you may want to use a lemon rinse once a week, or as often as three times a week. 

Freshens Your Breath - The acidic content in lemons prevents growth of bacteria in your mouth. Plus, its strong pleasant smell helps mask the bad odor. Just stir one tablespoon of lemon juice into a cup of water and rinse your mouth with it. You can also add a bit of salt to it and then use it. This remedy will help to solve the problem of dry mouth which is one of the main reasons that contribute to bad breath.

Exfoliator - lemon juice acts as a natural exfoliate as it contains citric acid hich helps to peel and remove the top layers of the dead skin cells and brighten up your skin. You can make you own DIY lemon exfoliator by mixing few drops of lemon along with few drops of olive oil or honey with sugar.


Precautions to be taken while using lemon in your beauty regime

  • ·         In winter it is recommended to reduce consumption a little lemon juice daily since low temperatures can delay the natural elimination through sweat. And in summer you can drink daily.
  • ·         Do not use undiluted lemon juice on your face directly. Always dilute lemon juice with plain or rose water to reduce its acidity. You can also add Aloe Vera gel and honey. This mixture can be used as a toner in oily skin types.  
  • ·         Preferably use lemon based home remedy at night to avoid any reaction with sun
  • ·         For maximum benefit of vitamin C in lemon juice, use fresh lemon juice because vitamin C is unstable; its concentration reduces if lemon juice is left in contact with air or sun. 
  • ·         For oily skin, lemon can be used as a toner or in face pack.
  • ·         Dry skin types should avoid toner, however can add few drops of lemon to face packs.
  • ·         Sensitive skin might get irritated by lemon hence should be used cautiously only in diluted form preferably in face pack.
  • ·         In case of pigmentation on face, using lemon for dark spots is tricky. Vitamin C in lemon reduces pigmentation but if it reacts it can actually burn and darken your skin.
  • ·         Lemon juice is acidic and its application can dry out your skin, so it is essential to moisturize you skin after its use.
  • ·         Never apply lemon juice on wounds or cuts. The acid in lemon juice will sting or it may even bleed.
  • ·         leaving lemon juice on your skin for long periods of time can be harmful too. It increases chances of sunburn. The acidic nature can cause inflammation and irritation of the skin. So make sure you wash it off after a few minutes and apply a good sunscreen before stepping out.
  • hope this post was beneficial for you. if you have any other ways to include lemon in your beauty regime do share it in your comment below. :)

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Easy Ways to Keep Yourself Energized Throughout the Day!

Hie My Lovely Ladies,
Indian Beauty Princess is here with her new post on how to stay energetic throughout the day!

Feeling energetic can dramatically improve your quality of life. But understand that staying energized requires a change in daily habits. Feeling more energetic every day is a goal you can fulfill in a few different ways.
Read on to see how:
Stay Hydrated

Keeping yourself well hydrated throughout the day is very important as it avoids fatigue and makes you feel more energized. Keeping yourself hydrated will remove all the toxins from your body and will revitalize it at the same time. Always have a bottle handy so you can drink it as and when required. Drinking different kinds of Juices or Tea is helpful as well. You should always drink about 2 to 3 liters of water per day.
Eat Healthy

A balanced diet will help you maintain a healthy diet and stay more energetic. Change you eating habits by reducing the size of your main meals and adding healthy snacks such as yogurt and dried fruits in between. Consult your doctor to find what kind of food is suitable for you. Make sure you eat salad with your meals as salad provides your body with lots of fiber. Yogurt will help your digestive system clean, which helps your body absorbs all the nutrients from food.
Stop! – Take A Pause – Stretch and Breathe

Just when you feel you are too much in work just stop whatever you are doing, take a break. Stretch your arms, back, legs, and neck. Take a deep breath and Repeat several times. When you sit back down, you’ll have the clear head and fresh feeling needed to power through the tough/boring task in front of you.
Exercise Daily
Make exercise a daily part of your life. Include brisk walk in your daily routine to get your blood pumping and refresh your mind. This will not only keep you energized but will help you build stamina and patience remove any stress you may be under. Even though you may feel tired, take and initiative to get active. Even a moderate exercise such as a simple walk in your neighborhood can be extremely helpful. You can even listen to music while working out as music can help develop calm energy.
Sleep Peacefully
A peaceful 7 to 8 hours of sleep is very important. Relax before going to bed. Leave your stress outside your bed.
Incorporate Vitamins Intake
Incorporate a vitamin regime to ensure that you are taking in the required amount of vitamin for the day. Energy promoting vitamin C and B are essential/.Get a daily dose of citrus fruits (eg. orange juice in the morning) or a vitamin C tablet as Vitamin C also helps you absorb more nutrients from food. Most B vitamins are involved in the process of converting blood sugar into usable energy. To ensure you get the proper amount of B vitamins, eat a balanced diet.
Turn Your Favorite Music and Rock It Loud
Throwing on the headphones and listening to any music you like while working will give you a productivity boost.Whether you work alone or in a room with coworkers, a quick one-song rock out loud session is an effective way to beat back exhaustion.
Know Your Limit
Do not take up work which is beyond your limit. This will not only stress you but will keep you low on energy.
Schedule Your Daily Activities
Keeping your life well organized is very essential to feel energetic. Use a planner or a calendar to prioritize your tasks.  By being organized you will be able to have time to on other fun activities too.
Stay Positive
A positive outlook on life will keep your energy level up. Yes, the worst thing that can happen might actually happen, but giving it too much worry will only drain you. Look for the positive in every situation and you won’t be so tired.
Wear Brighter Color
People often choose colors depending on their mood. Like when you are sad you chose dull colors, while when you are happy you choose only bright colors. Same way if you wear bright, happy colors, you’ll get that attitude projected towards you, which will boost your own mood and energy levels.
Avoid Caffeine and Energy Drinks In Excess
Energy drinks caffeine is like energy credit cards — you’re spending future energy to get short-term energy. The resulting energy deficit gets worse until you hit energy bankruptcy. One may get addicted to it, which in turn may tend to lose all natural energy in body.
Eliminate Stress
Stress and energy are always on the opposite side. You will never feel energetic if you are stressed. Read my post on how to de-stress yourself here to help you fight stress and stay energized.
Dress Up
Feeling better about yourself has a magical way of giving you more energy. Looking yourself best and getting compliments will always make you feel better.
·         Have a Laugh
Laughter is great medicine for exhaustion. Make sure you laugh regularly to keep your mood up. Seek out funny people or subscribe to a daily email joke. I like the geeky comic for a quick smile.
Turn off the Internet and go socialize with friends. Humans are social animals, and we need regular socializing to keep ourselves in peak health and energy.

Hope this post was useful for you. If you have more tips on how to stay energetic throughout day do share it in your comments below.

You can also follow me at:



Saturday, August 29, 2015

Ways To De-Stress Yourself at Work...!

Hola! All you beautiful princess…. My today’s post is all about how to de-stress yourself at work. At times when i sit with my pals and discuss about our lives after college, the only thing i hear is that life ya! Too busy in work and no time for any social or any other activity. Some say even if we have time but there is lot of stress. Well it’s natural for work to leave you a little stressed, but it’s important how are you dealing with it? If you're a frazzled mess from nine to five, it's important to step back and relax. No matter what's going on around you at work, these tips will help you stay calm -- before, during and after the storm.

 • Identify Your Stress Triggers
Recognizing the triggers to your stressful reactions is the most important first step in managing your stress. True, it might be impossible to remove life’s stresses, but understanding the things that stress you out—and in what ways—and how you react to it is particularly helpful in solving the underlying problems.
• Prioritize Your Life
Set your priorities in order! Ask yourself how important the situations you are feeling stressed over are. Prioritize your concerns and tackle the most important ones first.
• Get a Head Start
Leave home 30 minutes earlier than normal. Studies find that the less rushed you feel in the morning, the less stressed you'll be for the rest of the day.
• Sleep Enough to Combat Stress
Restful zzzzz is very much important for staying healthy and strong. When you’re well-rested, you can approach stressful situations more calmly. The key is making sure you’re not only getting enough sleep, but that the quality of sleep you’re getting is restful and restorative.
• Turn on Mood-Boosting Music
A good playlist can do wonders to your mood, so turn on some good music of your choice and get the good vibes in. If anger is your issue, go for calmer sounds. Exhausted from all the stress? Choose fast-tempo songs to re-energize. This can be particularly beneficial when you're getting ready for a tough day at work, or if you're in your car stuck in traffic, or, if you're lying in bed trying to free your mind of stressful thoughts. .
• Connect with a Friend
Socializing is one of the easiest ways to distract yourself from everyday anxieties, so call up a pal to chat for a few minutes. Try to avoid any work-related venting and stick to fun, tension-free topics instead.
• Hit the Road
Taking annual vacations is really good for you. It appears that going on vacation may not be an icing-on-the-cake type of indulgence—it may actually be necessary for good health. Whether you have the time and money to head out on a European tour, or can simply afford a long weekend that’s close to home, yet away from the grind, planning a break is a great tool for reducing stress. Plus, it gives you something to look forward to.
• Create Cushions in Your Calendar
If you’re reading this, you probably have a busy schedule, which is one contributor to stress. When you have a lot on your plate, you end up hurrying through the day and multitasking, which will only exacerbate stress levels. Creating cushions in your schedule is a good tactic to reduce your risk for stress. Leave yourself enough time between getting from point A to point B—whether getting to and from meetings, classes, or getting from home to work to dinner plans—to help diffuse potential stressors that may arise that are out of your control. For example, if you know that you have to be on time to your 9 a.m. Meeting and it takes you 20 minutes to get to work, leave yourself 30 so you don’t have to rush or get stressed out if you hit traffic
• Improving Your Working Environment
Your space can have a major effect on your attitude, so make sure that your desk area is both clean and decorated to suit your taste. Spruce it up with a fun print, colorful office accessories, and photos of your favorite places. Take some time to clean up your act and organize your files. It will soothe your soul. Let there be light
• Create a Resting Spots for Your Eyes Organize Your Desk
Clutter is a common stressor. If you can't find the files you need, either on your desk or in your emails, you can waste lots of precious time and energy.
• Make Work More Fun
If you make your work experience more enjoyable, you’ll be more excited to come to work, to spend the day there and return back the next day. Do not work because you have to. Work because you want to. Fall in love with your work.
• Stretch
Stretching your body from time to time can help release your tension and can make you feel calm and relaxed. Besides reducing muscle tension, stretching increases blood circulation, which increases energy.
• Picture Your Favorite Vacation
When things are getting too tensed at work, just close your eyes for a minute or two and remember your favorite vacation spot. Having a moment from your favorite vacation spot on your can desk can make it easier for you to remember it.
• Make Friends with Your Coworkers
Being friendly and smiling more will not only help yo make friends, but it will help your body feel calmer naturally.
Forget About It
When something's bothering you, especially if it's something that can't be changed; usually it's best to just let it go. Focus on the things you can control and put in your best effort.
• Know your Limitations
There’s nothing more stressful than getting in over your head. Before you accept a meeting or take on a project, check your schedule and evaluate the scope of what you're being asked to do. Only take on what you're sure you can manage -- and manage well.
• Laughter Is The Best Medicine
Find humor in life. Learn to laugh at life and yourself. Developing a sense of humor about life will help you save your tears for real problems.
• Take a Tea-Break
 Try some chamomile tea, known for its calming properties. Or, sip an aromatic cup of antioxidant-filled green tea -- it's a wonderful way to take a few minutes for yourself, unwind and realize you're being kind to your body.

I hope these tips turns out to be very much useful for you all. If you have any more tips on how to de-stress yourself at work feel free to comment below. Happy working :) :)