Saturday, September 12, 2015

Amazing Benefits Of Exercise Which Might Help You Fall In Love With Yourself All Over Again

There are amazing benefits of exercise, for some it’s shaping up while others are focused on staying healthy. No matter what your motivation is. We can all agree that the benefits of EXERCISE are Amazing. Read on to learn more about the skin and beauty rewards that come from regularly exercise:

Shapes You Up – The tried and true weight loss rule says you must burn more calories than you consume

Gives You An Instant Glow – Brisk walks or jogs gets your heart pumping and increases blood circulation. This gets an amazing doze of oxygenated blood that boosts your cell renewal and detoxification process. When you run or exercise, your lungs take in as much oxygen as possible and the heart begins pumping out blood throughout your body including your skin. This is the main reason you get that flushed and radiant look, right after your workout

Reduces Cellulite - Cellulite is a symptom of reduced White blood cell circulation Yoga helps white blood cells to flow more freely through fatty areas, flushing toxins and reducing cellulite.

Reverse The Ageing Process - The More You Move, the Younger You’ll Feel exercise has however been shown to slow the effects of aging. You won’t reverse the aging process, but will slow it down. With exercise, you will feel healthy, be vibrant, and have a lower risk for chronic disease; All of these are attributes of youthfulness.

Better Sleep - When you work out and what exercises you do can affect your sleep—for better and worse. Just don't exercise too close to bedtime, or you may be too energized to fall asleep.

Younger Looking You - When you exercise, the tiny pores in your skin open up, allowing more blood to reach the skin’s surface and deliver nutrients that repair damage from the sun and environmental pollutants. These nutrients also help increase up the skin’s collagen production, reducing wrinkles. The nutrients delivered to the skin during exercise help fibroblasts work more efficiently, so your skin looks younger smoother and more radiant.

Greater Self Confidence - Confident people radiate a certain physical appeal and charisma. Our self-worth is directly tied to our energy levels, our feelings of competence and our perceived attractiveness.” And nothing is more gorgeous than the self-assurance that comes from feeling good in your own skin.

Increased Stature - If you actively work to bring muscles back into balance, your back will lengthen, your posture will improve and you can grow taller. And, of course, exercise that improves posture tends to also make you look thinner, fitter and more confident.

Reduces Stress, Anxiety And Depression - When you have anxiety or depression, exercise often seems like the last thing you want to do. But once you get motivated, exercise can make a big difference. Relation between anxiety, depression and exercise shows that the psychological and physical benefits of exercise can also help reduce anxiety and improve mood. Exercise may also help keep anxiety and depression from coming back once you're feeling better.
Better Immunity And Detoxification - There is no supplement or medication that has proven to be as strong as regular exercise in improving the immune system’s ability to detect and destroy invaders. Regular exercise helps increase white blood cells, including neutrophils and natural killer cells. More white blood cells mean fewer bacteria and viruses sneak past the gate. 

Better Circulation Means Better Hair - The last thing we’d expect to happen when we go to the gym is have better hair—in fact, we leave feeling ready for a thorough shampooing, but the increased circulation and blood flow that’s so beneficial for our complexions also stimulates the hair follicles and promotes growth.

Sweat Is Good For You - A good sweat session is sort of like a steam clean for your pores from the inside out. Regular exercise boosts circulation. “It nourishes your skin, bringing more blood flow and oxygen to it. This will help draw toxins out of the body.” Plus, all that sweating cleans out the pores of congested skin. “Working out corrects the hormonal imbalance that can cause adult acne.

Enhances Mental Performance And Work Productivity - The increased blood flow also benefits your brain, allowing it to almost immediately function better. As a result, you tend to feel more focused after a workout. Furthermore, exercising regularly will promote the growth of new brain cells.

So what are you waiting for?? Go Exercise and Be Beautiful..

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